In the November 2015 SPLOST vote, the Citizens of Spalding County voted for the following projects seen below. Each project has been updated on its completion rate as of January 2021. We encourage citizens to follow us on social media or check back on the website regularly for updates on all 2016 SPLOST projects. If you do have any questions or concerns please reach out to our Citizen Engagement Specialist, Rachel Conort, at 770.467.4395 or
Acquisition and Installation of CAD & phone system for E911
Construction of Pickleball Facility
Fire Apparatus & Equipment
Judicial System computers & software updates
Relocation 500 MHZ from HWY 155 to Cabin Fire Station
Retirement or payment for outstanding indebtedness for past projects
Senior Nutrition Program
Sheriff's Office CAGE Gang Reduction/Intervention Program Vehicles & Equipment
Wyomia Tyus Park Soccer Lights
Overhaul to Fairmont Gym & Community Center
Resurfacing, paving, repairing of roads, streets, and bridges
Griffin+Spalding Library System Materials & Technology
Relocation & Renovation of Animal Control Facility
Fairmont/Heritage Park Improvement
Construction & Equipping of new Aquatic Center